3D Printing Info
Come visit us at the Fair!
We are open daily during the Citrus County Fair
from March 24th through March 29th.
Fair hours vary so check out the Fair's website:
If you know of any:
Revisions or
Please let us know.
Visit or Contact Us
Train Show Schedule
Our Monthly Evening Meetings
are held in the
Eleanor Bonifield
Main Gate Building
(formerly called the Horticulture Building)
on the Citrus County Fairgrounds
Inverness, Florida
April 8th, 2025 6:30 PM
The public is invited!
Mission Statement
The Citrus Model Railroad Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing its members' and the public's knowledge and enjoyment of railroads and model trains. The Club provides education and fellowship to the public and to other modelers, as well as the opportunity to learn modeling techniques and assist in the construction and operation of the Club's several model railroad layouts.
Membership in the Citrus Model Railroad Club is open to anyone 18 years of age or older with a genuine interest in model railroading. To be considered for membership, you must have attended at least 3 meetings within a three month period prior to making application. These three meetings may include the monthly program meetings and weekly work or operating sessions, and must include the program meeting at which the application is presented to the membership for vote. Membership begins after an affirmative vote by the majority of members in attendance and payment of dues and fees. Dues are currently $60 annually and there is a one-time New Member Assessment of $100.
Regular Work Sessions
Work and maintenance sessions on the HO scale layout are held on Friday mornings. Work usually begins by 9:00 a.m. Some members might bring a lunch and work usually ends in the early afternoon.
Work sessions and maintenance on the N scale layout is usually performed on Saturday morning during the club open house.
Note: Separate work sessions are not held on the G scale
layout but may occur during either the N or HO sessions.
Be sure to visit
our friends!
(click links below to go to their websites)
Additional Months' Subjects
To Be Announced
Looking for the 3D Printing Info? See below.
Sponsors For those individuals and local businesses that would like to assist our programs and realize some advertising as a significant return benefit, we offer "Sponsorships" at $50 per year. For that amount, we will make an attractive plate displaying your company name, address, logo, photos - anything you want on it. We display these plates on our Sponsors Board at the Otto Allen Building at the Citrus County Fairgrounds, where it is seen by visitors to the Fairgrounds flea market every Friday and Saturday, and by visitors at the Citrus County Fair for a full week. The Fair typically hosts between 5,000 and 7,000 visitors. Our Sponsor Board is shown in the photo at left (click to enlarge).
If you are interested in learning more about equipment, software or new technology in general click on the blue links below. They will take you directly to the corresponding websites.
3D Printers - Brief Overview
Best 3D Printers
Cricut Maker - Brief Overview
Glowforge - Brief Overview What is 3D Printing?
Tinkercad - Beginner CAD
Skanect - Free Scanning software
3D CAD (Computer Aided Design) - Top Free CAD programs
3D Scanning - Free Mobile 3D Scanning apps
Slicing Software - What is Slicing Software?
Misc. Resources
Free 3D Printable Files - Thingiverse
3D Printing Materials - Brief Overview
Augmented Reality - The Future
Mixed Reality - Magic Leap
Service Bureaus - Shapeways & I.materialise
Rasberry Pi
Presentation Videos 2/24/18
Enabling the Future - Prosthetics
Generative Design - Autodesk
Close up 3D printing extruder
GE Fuel Nozzle
Boston Dynamics
Minecraft, Scanning, Tinkercad
3D Scanning
File for 3D Printed Bridge - Thingiverse
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Create3DModels@gmail.com or visit www.NewTechNow.org.
Janalyn Peppel
Click on
many photos
the Website
to enlarge.
<<< Try It!
FREE chance to win a $25 Door Prize
Everyone attending our monthly evening meeting receives
a FREE chance to win a $25 Door Prize gift card from
Rob's Hobby World, Ocala. See meeting info below.
( Additional $1 tickets are available to increase your chances! )
2025 Board of Directors
We continue to update this site, so . . .
Come Back Often!
All three layouts are open to the public every Saturday morning (including August this year) from 8:00 AM until 1 PM. All three club layouts are running during that time and club members are present to answer questions. These open houses are held in connection with the Flea Market at the fairgrounds on Fridays & Saturdays. There is no charge for admission to the railroad displays but donations are always appreciated.